Svenska VS English
I've had quite a few complaints from my American friends over the fact that my blog is in Swedish. I do feel a little bad for Ingrid who reads it every day, but at least Martin can translate it for her, but who is translating it to Bill and Dan? Maybe I should just switch to English? But what would my Swedish readers feel about that? Would mom get sad? And how about grandma and grandpa, I know mom and Staffan read my blog for them whenever it's appropriate. And what about the times when I make fun of the US, and don't want the Americans to understand. Should I just write that part in Swedish? But then they would understand that I am keeping something away from them and they could just translate a few sentences at any of the free translation websites that Ingrid showed me.. The results of those are never correct however, but the results they gave us were quite entertaining.
Maybe I should use mine and M-H's own language, a mixture of Swedish and English that sounds perfectly natural to us, we don’t even realize that we switch language every other word in every sentence. Men nagra words funkar better in English and some pa Svenska. Men the question is om not alla lasare would tycka att det var very annoying and helt enkelt stop reading.
I don't know how to go about this problem, leave a comment and give me your input.
A great thing happened this week, the shoes arrived! They are so sweet! It is a little sad that only me, Christina and Caitlin decided to order them, but I am so glad we got them!
I think dad has officially signed me up for Vattrenrundan now, his 50th birtday gift from me was that I would do the 300 kilometer bike race with him the first week of June, I don't think I really understand what I have gotten myself into, but that that is probably just a good thing.
Also, my mom ran into a woman from my Kayak club, she said they were trying to put together a women’s K4 team for the Swedish nationals this summer, and asked if I would be interested. The feeling you have in the middle of a 500 meter K4 race when everyone is in sync and you are going as hard as you can is just amazing, and I have missed it so much. Even though it probably won’t happen, just thinking of it makes me happy.
Your blogg is ok in english but better in swedish.Perhaps you could have two blogs! I prefere your blog in Swedish
Nämen man måste tänka på vem man skriver bloggen för..
Gu va duktig du är på engelska och skriva! :) Jag föredrar svenska, men de är bara för det är behändigare, men samtidigt så är de bra när den är på engelska för då lär man sej en del ord o hittar man nått man inte försåt lär man slå upp de så man fattar o de e bra så ja lär mej mer! :D tack AK!! ;D kramar
It was nice to read your blog in English. Although I'm okay with Martin reading it to me, maybe even it will force me to learn Norwegian/Swedish?!?!
Jag tyckte det var roligast på ditt och Mari-Helenes språk. Det är Ok på engelska men det är som Ylva säger vem skriver du bloggen för.
Hej Hopp! Jag tycker inte det spelar någon roll om det är svenska eller engelska. Det var kul att läsa på engelska=) Bara du inte glömmer bort svenskan...Hihi Love you! bye bye
Hello! Jag håller med Agneta, er svengelska var klockren! Jag förstod precis :) Fast skämt åsido så är det nog bäst på gammal hederlig svenska ändå.