Bad handwriting
Today I spent most of the day trying to summarize some African court cases regarding the inheritance of land by a widow when her husband dies. It was interesting, and the first case and a half went pretty smoothly, it was written on computer, then the challenge started. The judgment that the court had ruled and the basis for it was written by hand and copied. It might have been the worst handwriting I have ever seen (except for the next case that I might try after this one, but that one might be impossible). By the end of the day I was pretty good and, I think I have figured out about 75% of the words, but in order to fully understand I need all of them. Its like a crossword/wordfind.
Yesterday I attended a conference on Islamic femenism, it was represenattives from many Islamic countries (Morcco, Iran, Tunis, Egypt and Turkey to name a few) who talked about womens loss and gains of status in their respective countries. It was super interesting and I learned a lot. I wish I had time to summarize all notes. One example, before some quite recent reforms in Turkey a man could get away with rape if he married the victim!!!! An important discussion was of the importance of changing the status of women through local governments, through Islam and by supporting Islamic/ Arabic women AND men working for equal rights. I learned so much and it was very interesting being at a conference full of scolars/professors and interns.
Tomorrow I am hopefully going to a shorter conference where two Afghani women currently working in the Afghani government are speaking. After work I am attending a lecture held by Amnesty International where a woman from the Democratic Republic of Congo is speaking about victims of sexual violence.
The porch at home in Sweden. I like it here but one thing I miss is having summer dinners with the family on the porch.
I am really struggeling with not having training as my first priority anymore, and I am trying to get at least a short but fast run + some core in most days, however this is a once in a lifetime 10 week experience and I am sure that after 19 years if skiing, I will be back in action quite fast if I want to.
Pappa, I just realized that I have no idea wheter have you done vatternrundan yet or if it is this coming weekend?
Det är dax nu, bussen mot Motala går om 5 timmar. Det ser ut som du har ett intresant jobb.
Det är dax nu, bussen mot Motala går om 5 timmar. Det ser ut som du har ett intresant jobb.