
We have to do a civil engagement project while we are in DC. There is a project on Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) put on by one of the International Affairs advisors that I have decided to do. Today the practice is illegal in the United States, however, it is still not illegal to transport minor girls abroad and have it done there. We are trying to convince congress to pass a part of The Girls protection act that makes this illegal, an act proposed by two congressmen. We are about 30 students working on this at the moment and I think this will be very interesting and engaging to me. We watch a movie about it last Friday. I volunteered to be one of the organizers for this project.

Yesterday, my whole suit slept in, then Kelli (one of my roommates) and I took the Metro downtown to explore the city. We were tourists for a day and looked at many of the monuments and the White house. Then at night we met up with our roommate Kayla and went to Dupont Circle and watched the pride parade, a very interesting and happy event.

Me in front of the White house

The Washington monument

WW2 memorial looking over the reflection pool towards Lincoln memorial.

I like this picture, it is at the WW2 memorial, water can be pretty.

Lincoln memorial

Lots of people at the pride parade

 Me and roomates Kelli and Kayla out for dinner.

After sleeping in this morning, I went for a 2 hour bike ride in what apperently is the biggest in-city park in the US; it goes by just a 5 minute bike from my apartment. I met a nice biker who showed me the places to go. I went pretty hard, and it felt so good to be moving.  After lunch, Kelli and I relaxed by the pool and worked on out tans for a while before I got into homework mode.


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