DC, Wyoming, Marquette

My DC visit ended well. I had a great experience and learnt a lot and made many good friends.

After DC i went to the BEAUTIFUL land of Wyoming. What a place. I saw Ja ckson Hole, Lander and went backpacking and fly fishing in the Wind Rivers, we flew out of Salt Lake City so I also got a chance to see Park City. The whole trip went so fast and it was just amazing. I have tons of pictures but I had heard that taking them in RAW format was really good (but I guess you need like photoshop or a converter for that to work, so I still only have them on the camera).

Jackson Hole


The Grand Teton




After Wyoming I came back to Marquette where I have been trying to look for a job. My visa papers are finally coming through and I think I might have some jobs on the hook. Hopefully it will all work out so I can work until next year and then start some sort of masters program somewhere. It has been good to be in Marquette, I have been able to get back into training somewhat, that feels good. It has also been great to see all friends again.
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